
Brent - a Fairtrade Borough

Brent has achieved Fairtrade borough status. Fairtrade boroughs aims to encourage people to help tackle poverty through their purchases and to demonstrate commitment to people around the world to making poverty history.  To ensure Brent achieved Fairtrade borough status, a Council resolution to support Fairtrade was passed and there was a commitment to serve Fairtrade coffee and tea at its meetings and in its offices and canteens. A local steering group was formed (the Brent Fairtrade Network ) that convenes to ensure a continued commitment to Fairtrade borough status.  The Council aims to to get a range of Fairtrade products available in a number of Brent's shops, cafes and catering establishments, and to get Fairtrade products to be used by a number of local work places and community organisations such as places of worhsip, schools etc.