
Pound Lane safety scheme

It has taken some time but the safety scheme in Pound Lane I petitioned for is almost complete. The pedestrian crossing by Bertie Road is a great success.  When in Pound Lane and Unity Close yesterday I heard people praising the crossing and the transportation unit for implementing it. Now a much safer crossing point particularly for the elderly, children and parents pushing buggies.  Safety treatments further up Pound Lane (by Harlesden and Hawthorn Roads) are also expected to make a big difference.


Roundwood Park cafe

Now that the trial and sentencing of the previous leaseholder of the cafe in Roundwood Park is over, I hope we can look forward to the cafe reopening with new management. The Parks Service is keen to retain the cafe as a valuable community resource.  The former leaseholder (known by a variety of different names) was found guilty of 23 counts of benefit and other frauds at Harrow Crown Court on March 18th and has been sentenced to four and a half years.