
Cinema at Library Centre

Lots of residents have raised the issue of the cinema closure. It would be good to find another new management for it, but the equipment would need upgrading.  Was given this statement on it:

"Unfortunately the cinema closed when the tenants decided it was no longer a viable business. We are currently looking Willesden Green Library Centre as a whole and how we can develop the cultural facilities to provide the best offer for local people. The cinema will remain closed in the short term as it does not meet the technical requirements for a modern digital cinema. We are investigating alternative uses of the space".


Limiting conversions to flats?

I have been concerned for some time about the apparent 'rush' of developers to convert family houses in Willesden into flats or houses in multiple occupation (see earlier item, "Housing stock - maintaining balance").  Read somewhere that local councils can put covenants on houses to prevent conversions on single houses rather than a bunch of them, and may be possible only on council-owned properties. Believe there is a real and urgent case to campaign for a local planning policy to to have a % limit on conversions in particular roads. Both worth exploring in detail when the new administration is elected - certainly if this is a Labour majority administration. Delighted to find Brent Planning Enforcement officers taking action against some clear breaches such as houses converted for multiple occupation without planning permission and often rented to students at a high rent.


Ward Working 2010/2011

Willesden councillors will be meeting soon to discuss how we will use the Ward Working (formally Neighbourhood Working) fund (£20,000) to provide improvements in Willesden Green.  We can only spend on items not the responsibility of the council to deal with or "one off" events.  One or two ideas already, but would be good if residents shared their ideas with us.  Last year we cleaned up the statue area at the bottom of Dudden Hill Lane and got the "eyesore" wall refurbished.  This year we might be funding football kit for a Willesden youth team or a project in the Brent Museum.  Some areas might like some more street trees.  Your ideas please!